It is interesting that you ignored the portion of the Mainstreet poll sent to you last week that had very different results, including the fact that 62% of Canadians supported their governments' position that Israel has the right to defend itself. I sent you an e mail about this data but you did not even reply to that.

In today's poll, you show less support among Conservatives than among Liberals. That simply does not make sense given the Conservative Party's strong defence of Israel since Stephen Harper was PM and even before that.

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I did not receive your poll, Steve. It's not in my inbox nor my junk folder. Would you please send it again?

Also, you know as well as I do that the wording of questions like these matter a ton. And it appears our question are quite different.

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We can at least agree on the fact that the question affects the response. Your question is clearly designed to get a different response. You did receive our poll last week which was our regular national poll. Quito contacted you about it. The questions about Israel and Ukraine are part of that poll. There was even a question about support for the governments actions on India. There were even comparison charts between the support for Israel vs support for Ukraine. And I wrote to you to ask why you did not even refer to it in your comparison with the Abacus and Angus Reid national polls that were published within 2 days of ours.

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